If you use computer at the work or at the school , you probably have a problems with administrative privileges. Most admins stop MS-DOS prompt from working, because it´s the best way to get administrative privileges. For beginning you must enable MS-DOS prompt.
Open Notepad and write command.com, save file as .bat
Open that file and it will give you a command prompt.
Let´s create new user . In command prompt write net user username /ADD, for example net user ivan /ADD
Write net localgroup and find out the name of the local group they belong to admin. In most case it´s administrators.
Write in Command Prompt net localgroup administrators ivan /ADD, this will make ivan an admin.
Log off and login with new username , enjoy in administrative privileges. If you want delete created user just type net user username /DELETE
Open Notepad and write command.com, save file as .bat
Open that file and it will give you a command prompt.
Let´s create new user . In command prompt write net user username /ADD, for example net user ivan /ADD
Write net localgroup and find out the name of the local group they belong to admin. In most case it´s administrators.
Write in Command Prompt net localgroup administrators ivan /ADD, this will make ivan an admin.
Log off and login with new username , enjoy in administrative privileges. If you want delete created user just type net user username /DELETE